Archive for December 30th, 2006

A Stone Family Christmas!

What a great Christmas! Not only did we have Shirley (Sarah’s mum) down, but we also had our first Christmas with our new lad. The hairy thing in the photo is Daisy our dog. She’ll be a great playmate for Jack as he grows…
So the Stone family now consists of: Sarah (mum), Julian (dad), Jack (bubs), Daisy (dog), Splat (cat), 2 horses (Ellie & Chatty), 5 peacocks & 7 chickens.

The Mums have a photo op…

This is Sarah’s mum Shirley. And what a lovely child we have in regards to keeping up the family relations. If you look closely (and yes, we zoomed in) it’s his third finger Jacks holding up.
Yup it appears that Jack is giving Nana Shirley ‘the bird’. ha ha…
Either that or he’s doing his ‘Mini Me’ impersonation from Austin Powers. 😉